The Connection Roller

In a world where there is constant rush and noise it can be hard to find stillness. The connection
roller was designed specifically to help you get to a place of stillness and peace more quickly.
Made from 100% pure therapeutic grade Frankincense and Bergamot you can ensure to have an uplifting experience using this oil.

We recommend using this oil hand in hand with our Hear Him journal to help bring your mind to
a quiet place before entering conversation with God. But, this oil has also been found useful in
helping with everyday stress and worry.
If you need help in finding stillness and peace quickly we believe this roller can help.



How to use

-our favorite way is to self-diffuse, this allows you to receive the benefits of the oils the quickest | simply roll oil onto palms of hands and then cup them over your nose and mouth to take three deep breaths.

can also be used on wrists, neck, or bottoms of your feet


Additional information

Weight 1.6 oz
The Connection Roller
27 in stock