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Pray even if you don’t want to

Kelsie Millet
Kelsie Millet
Pray even if you don't want to

Hey you guys! This is Kelsie Millet and I am your host here on the Let Him In Podcast, where 

my intent is to have these episodes full of thoughts, impressions and ways for you to easily let God into your every day.

This morning we are going through the last one of the devotional/ thoughts that I have picked out for you from the book Simple Steps for More Meaningful Prayer by Leigh Brown. Again, that  is linked for you as always in the description below.

Ok, Here. We go. Today’s thought-

Prayer is essential and should be incorporated into our daily lives regardless of our changing temperaments or attitudes. Ezra Taft Benson counseled, “If we don’t feel like praying, then we should pray until we do feel like praying”.

Regular, frequent prayer is a strict commandment of God.  To Adam and Eve, He declared “Thou shalt repent and call upon God in the name of the Son forevermore”. Brigham Young Stated: “Iit is your duty to pray; and when the time for prayer comes, John should say, ‘This is the place and this is the time to pray; knees bend down upon that floor, and do so at once.’ But John said, ‘I do not want to pray; I do not feel like it’ Knees, get down, I say; and down bend the knees, and he begins to think and reflect.  Can you say anything? Can you not say, God have mercy on me a sinner? Yes, he can do this…Now, John, open your mouth and say, Lord, have mercy upon me. ‘But I do not feel the spirit of prayer.’ That does not excuse you, for you know what your duty is”.

So this was another one of those devotionals that I read and could definitely relate too. I have had so many times, days, seasons even that I just didn’t feel like praying. It felt too hard, it felt like too much energy. Somedays I just felt too sad, or too angry. 

It is so easy to let these days pass by us without prayer. I think we have all been there, Especially when we are feeling extremely deep emotions…As hard as it is for us to show up during these moments and push through when we have no desire. These are more often than not the times that we need the blessings of prayer in our life. We need that extra hug from our Heavenly Father, we need that extra love and assurance of our worth and someone to cheer us on letting us know its going to be ok. That we can have hope. 

When I am going through deep anger or sadness the last thing I typically want to do is talk to someone about it. I would rather bury myself in my feelings. I would rather be alone. But, when I have a friend or family member show up and nudge me into finally talking and releasing those emotions to them. I always feel so much better. 

I am encouraged, uplifted, loved…which is what I really needed in that moment even though I would strongly resist it to begin with. I believe it is the same with Heavenly Father. 

He is there. He may even be nudging at you trying to get you to start to talk or open up. We need to not be stubborn during these moments I know that is so much easier said than done, but we need to try our best to open up and realize that prayer is truly the thing we need most when we don’t want to pray. 

And I obviously can’t promise that you will feel better, but have a really good feeling that by doing so you are going to feel better, because you will be opening the floodgate of blessings that comes when we pray.

Now would be the perfect time to pull out your Hear Him Journal and continue in more stillness, an open mind and a desire to connect with God. 

Love you guys!


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