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Come Unto Christ

Kelsie Millet
Kelsie Millet
Come Unto Christ

You are listening to episode 40, Titled- Come Unto Christ

Hey you guys! This is Kelsie Millet and I am your host here on the Let Him In Podcast, where 

my intent is to have these episodes full of thoughts, impressions and ways for you to easily let God into your every day.

40th episode. I cannot believe it. I first want to say thank you so much for your patience with me if you have been listening to these as they air. Especially if you started with me right at the beginning when the first half of these episodes came out and then we had a big pause because of my emergency c-section, NICU time, newborn life, Holidays, ya know all of those things. But here we are episode 40. 

In the beginning I stated how this was a podcast series of 40 days. So is this the last episode? That has been my question as well. I truly just take one step at a time and try to be the best instrument that I can in God’s hands. So we will see! 

So as I was preparing for this last episode I had no idea what topic I should choose. It seemed like a really big deal with it being possibly the last episode. After coming up blank for a while the spirit finally whispered to me, share your testimony. 

I immediately felt the comfort of the Holy Ghost and it was obvious to me that sharing my testimony with you is exactly what God would want from this episode. 

To start out I wanted to share my thoughts that I shared with my relief society class in church this past December for part of our Christmas lesson. I had been asked to share my thoughts about my relationship with Christ. 

When I was asked, I immediately said yes, I thought that would be so easy. Well come to find out, that actually was not an easy question for me to easily answer. I knew I could show up and spit out different facts about christ. His atonement. His sacrifice. His perfection. 

But for some reason in my heart, stating those incredible facts about Him would not explain what my relationship with Christ is. 

I talked with my best friend, my husband, my dad, in hopes that they would help me find the words to explain my relationship with Christ. But the words still never came. Not until just two days before I was to speak in the lesson.  I finally pleaded with God to fill my heart and mind with words that would accurately describe this relationship that seemed indescribable. One word is all I needed to hear to then have my feelings and thoughts become crystal clear of what my relationship with Christ is and looks like. That one word that came to me was-Come.

I see Christ say- Come follow me. Come as you are. Come where you are. Come to me when you are scared, come to me when you are anxious, come to me and believe. Believe that I can create peace and safety. Come and let me take away your burdens, come and let me give you rest. Just Come. Please, come.

As I have come to the savior in a hospital room watching my baby struggle to breathe, he has comforted me with an overwhelming peace. 

I’ve experienced the healing balm of forgiveness, witnessed miracles, and learned how to hold on to hope each day—and I know it’s all because of my Savior, Jesus Christ. He truly helps us to overcome the impossible.

Sometimes we might wait for earth-shattering evidence of the Savior in our lives. But as we make small efforts to act in imperfect faith, taking one step at a time in His direction, we might see that He has been showering us with joy, strength, —that He has been with us all along. And as we recognize His power in our lives, we will see that we have indeed been coming unto Christ.

I know that Jesus is the Savior. I know that He knows me personally. I know that through Him I am able to pray and speak with my Heavenly Father. I know that prayers are answered, that personal revelation is real and that miracles still take place and happen on the earth today. I know that we have a living prophet on the earth, President Russell M. Nelson. I know that we have been given the scriptures to help guide and direct us, to help us with direction in our lives and to provide answers to prayers. I know that both the Book of Mormon and the Bible are true. I know that we have the opportunity to live with God again after this life and that we can be sealed to our families for time and all eternity. 

I know that by making small and simple efforts in our daily lives God will continue to mold us and perfect us to become more than we ever thought we could be.

This is my testimony, I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Now would be the perfect time to pull out your Hear Him Journal and continue in more stillness, an open mind and a desire to connect with God. 

Love you guys!

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