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EPISODE 05: Your spiritual checkup part 3- SERVICE

Kelsie Millet
Kelsie Millet
EPISODE 05: Your spiritual checkup part 3- SERVICE

Hey friends! Today’s episode is part three of your spiritual checkup and how service plays a vital role in your relationship with God. It is not hard for me to picture the Savior serving in my mind and it makes me wonder if He would say the same about me? Would He say that He could easily see you serving?

Welcome to a community of women who strive to Let Him In.

You are listening to episode 5, Your Spiritual Checkup Part Three

Hey you guys! This is Kelsie Millet and I am your host here on the Let Him In Podcast, where 

my intent is to have these episodes full of thoughts, impressions and ways for you to easily let God into your every day. 

You may have heard in my intro that this is Part three. So if you are just jumping in today you are going to want to pause this and hop back a couple episodes to listen to part one and two, first. Alright, brief reminder we have covered communication, love, and now the third part of your spiritual checkup with God is service.

How does service affect our relationship with God?

About 15 years ago I had the opportunity to volunteer in an orphanage in Ecuador. I worked everyday in the orphanage for just short of two months and I have never felt so humbled in my entire life. Being in the situation where my entire day revolved around serving others brought an immense amount of joy to every day. I know it was because as I served those children, I truly was serving God and in turn I felt a closeness with Him I can’t explain. 

Now obviously most of us are in situations where we can’t serve God every hour of the day. But, we are all given opportunities to serve. Sometimes that can be as simple as smiling at someone at the grocery store. Have you ever actually done this? My favorite is to do this with those that I see as my grandparents age. They usually not only smile but spark up a conversation and I always leave happier than when I walked in. 

Elder Russell M. Nelson shared,

“It is only when we love God and Christ with all of our hearts, souls, and minds that we are able to share this love with our neighbors,” And we demonstrate that love “through acts of kindness and service—the way that the Savior would love and serve all of us if He were among us today.”

I love that last line. The way that the Savior would love and serve all of us if He were among us today. It is not hard for me to picture the Savior serving in my mind and it makes me wonder if He would say the same about me? Would He say that He could easily see me serving? I think in seasons of my life that answer may be yes, but I can definitely point out seasons where service has been a big struggle. And to a point, I think that’s ok. But, I also know that when I have been given the opportunity to serve or even better I’ve made an opportunity, blessings come. 

I want you to do a quick list in your mind of areas that you already serve. This could look like making dinner for your family, keeping your house picked up, bringing over cookies or bread to your neighbor when you bake, again it could be as simple as smiling. Where are you already serving?

Now, I want you to make a quick mental note of whether or not you accept service from others. Do you allow your friends to bring you dinner just because they want to, or only if you happen to be sick? Do you let your parents take your kids when they offer? Or do you feel guilty if you aren’t always with your kids? I think it is just as important to serve others as it is to let others serve us. If we don’t allow others to serve us we are essentially taking away blessings that they could be receiving. And I think it is safe to say that Heavenly Father may just be sending those people into our lives to perform these small tasks for a reason. Remember that He knows each of us perfectly. 

Today’s JOURNAL Prompt/THOUGHT: 

When was the last time that I performed service for someone else? And when was the last time I accepted service from someone else?

Join me tomorrow morning to finish up your spiritual checkup. It is all about time. 

Leaving you today with hopefully a little more stillness, an open mind and a desire to connect with God. 

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