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introducing the mothering + him mentorship

A 3 month deeper dive into stewarding our time and day to uplift ourselves and add more God into all aspects of our lives.

Abbey Kyhl Photography


This mentorship came to be, because, my mothering and home has changed dramatically over the last couple years because of Him. It is a continual journey. But, I have learned that even though motherhood is difficult, pressing, emotionally exhausting and physically demanding. It also is so beautiful and richly full of blessings. These are the years that I don’t want to live my life on auto pilot. I want to live presently in the moment soaking up the joys of being a mother.

Maybe you’re feeling similar. Feeling as though you will never be enough for your children. Or that you can’t figure out how you are supposed to find anytime with God throughout the day when your mothering tasks are so demanding. Maybe you wish to be able to hear God more in your everyday in a way that will help you know how to parent your children. How to answer the hard questions that they have, and be able to lovingly advise them. Or, maybe you just really want to deepen your connection with God and find Him in the mundane.

I have found that my “balance” in motherhood has come solely through God. As I deepen my relationship with Him and make Him the center of my day. My love for my children grows. My patience and energy exceeds what I need. The  ability to see the bigger picture is easier. And living in the present moment comes more naturally.

The mothering + him mentorship is designed to help you be able to draw you closer to God. To magnify that relationship so much that other aspects of your life become easier to carry. That your day to day mundane becomes beautiful, full of purpose and peace. The 3 month virtual mentorship will teach you how to better manage your time, remove the pull of the world, allow you to deepen your relationship with God, and make Him the focus of your mothering. The mentorship ends in an in-person retreat in April that allows us an intimate way to group together as sisters to nourish our bodies and souls together.

We will be pampered with foot zones, meditation practices, yoga, cryotherapy, nourishing food, and amazing speakers. 

If you are ready to grow a deeper connection with God and allow Him to work through you in mothering to bring more peace and fulfillment to your life I would love for you to apply for the mothering + him mentorship.

important dates

-Virtual mentoring begins January 4th
– in person retreat April 25th-27th



What's included?


exclusive whatsApp group-

where accountability will be kept, as well as unlimited access to me with questions for the duration of the mentorship.

monthly one on one calls-

let me help you navigate further details on your pain points or desires you have with growing your relationship with God. 

weekly group calls-

these virtual calls will be held on Thursdays with all calls recorded for further viewing. I will teach about God in the mundane, growing your relationship with God, creating God as the center of your mothering and so much more. 

weekly challenges-

these will come from our weekly group calls and will be the “homework”.

IN-PERSON weekend retreat-

this will be held in the beautiful mountain valley of Eden, Utah in a gorgeous home where we can all stay together. All expenses paid (includes accommodations for two nights), foot zone, meditation practice, yoga, uplifting speakers, and a whole lot more surprises to come!